Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports using SISTER/ERIC Strategies in Chicago Public Schools: The Case of the Healthy CPS Network Specialist

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The application of implementation science in understanding school health and wellness policy implementation is relatively new. Cook et al.’s study, which translates clinical implementation science domains and strategies, Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC), to School Implementation Strategies, Translating ERIC Resources (SISTER), lays the foundation for this disciplinary crossover. [1] Many school districts administer health and wellness policy implementation supports in accordance with a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework – which involves delivering supports to schools along a tiered continuum – with ‘Tier 1’ representing universal supports to all, ‘Tier 2’ representing targeted supports, and ‘Tier 3’ representing highly individualized interventions. Using MTSS, Chicago Public Schools’ (CPS) Office of Student Health and Wellness (OSHW) developed an initiative, Healthy CPS and accompanying Specialist position, to improve school-level compliance with federal, state, and local health and wellness policies. UIC’s Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center is evaluating the position’s effectiveness and describing the Specialist’s implementation strategies using an MTSS framework aligned with Cook et al.’s implementation domains and strategies.