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Physical Activity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (PAPREN) Coordinating Center – SIP 19-001

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Dr. Jamie Chriqui and her team are partnering with Dr. Stephanie Lemon and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center to co-lead the CDC’s Physical Activity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (PAPREN). As part of that project, Dr. Chriqui will be leading an applied evaluation project to study changes in pedestrian-oriented zoning and land use policies over time across 2300 U.S. municipalities and counties and the impact of the zoning changes on recreational physical activity and sedentary behavior, mode of commuting to work, and pedestrian fatalities.

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P3RC Principal Investigator Jamie Chriqui, PhD, MHS
P3RC Research Assistants Meg Fredericks
Chloe Nunez
Lindsey Realmuto, MPH

Funding for the Physical Activity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (PAPREN) is provided to the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Center at the University of Massachusetts, Worcester (UMASS) under Cooperative Agreement Number DP19-001 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center (P3RC) at the University of Illinois at Chicago is a sub-awardee for PAPREN and is co-leading the Network with UMASS.