Evaluation of Food Policies Implemented Across the U.S.

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Oddo VM, Leider J, Tovar A, Powell LM, Elenio E, Vadiveloo MK. Food Insecurity and Risk of Nutrition Insecurity Among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participants in Rhode Island and Connecticut, USA. Prev Med Rep. 2025 March; 51:103002. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2025.103002.
Schermbeck RM, Leider J, Powell LM. The Presence of Added Sugars and Other Sweeteners in Food and Beverage Products Advertised on Television in the United States, 2022. Nutrients. 2024 November 21; 16(23): 3981.
Powell LM, Leider J, Schermbeck RM, Vandenbroeck A, Harris J.
Trends in Children’s Exposure to Food and Beverage Advertising on Television. JAMA Network Open. 2024 August; 7(8):e2429671. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.29671.
Falbe J, Marinello S, Wolf, EC, Solar S, Powell, LM. Food Environment After Implementation of a Healthy Checkout Policy. JAMA Network Open.2024 August; 7(8): e2421731-e2421731.
Powell LM, Vandenbroeck A, Leider J, Pipito AA, Moran A. Evaluation of Fast-Food Restaurant Kids’ Meal Beverage Offerings 1 Year After a State-Level Healthy Beverage Default Policy. AJPM Focus. 2024 June; 3(3):100226. doi: 10.1016/j.focus.2024.100226.
Marinello S, Powell LM, Falbe J. Neighborhood Sociodemographic Characteristics and Healthfulness of Store Checkouts in Northern California. Prev Med Rep. 2023 October;35:102379. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102379.
Falbe J, Marinello S, Wolf EC, Solar SE, Schermbeck RM, Pipito AA, and Powell LM. Food and beverage environments at store checkouts in California: Mostly unhealthy products. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2023, 7(6):100075. doi: 10.1016/j.cdnut.2023.100075.
Powell LM, Leider J, Pipito AA, Moran A. Evaluation of Short-Term Changes in Fast-Food Restaurant Online Kids’ Meal Beverage Offerings Following a State-Level Healthy Beverage Default Policy. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2023 April;7(4). doi: 10.1016/j.cdnut.2023.100045.
Falbe, J., White, J.S., Sigala, D.M., Grummon, A.H., Solar, S.E., Powell, L.M. The Potential for Healthy Checkout Policies to Advance Nutrition Equity. Nutrients. 2021, 13 (11):4181.
Vadiveloo MK, Elenio E, Leider J, Oddo VM, Pipito AA, Powell LM, Tovar A. Design of the What’s On Your Plate SNAP Study. Research Brief No. 139. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.27380922.
Vandenbroeck A, Schermbeck RM, Leider J, Powell LM. Television Advertising and Store Availability of Toddler Milks. Research Brief No. 138. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.27144720.
Leider J, Li M, Pipito AA, Powell LM. No Impact on Potential Kids’ Meal Substitutes in Fast-Food Restaurants One Year Following an Illinois Healthy Beverage Default Policy. Research Brief No. 133. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. April 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.25563591
Leider J, Pipito AA, Sandoval Camacho L, Gupta R, Knapp M, Fuster M, Powell LM. Default Beverage Offerings with Kids' Meals across Online Ordering Platforms for Fast-Food and Full-Service Restaurants in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Research Brief No. 131. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2023. doi: 10.25417/uic.24477169
Marinello S, Falbe J, Solar SE, Powell LM. Price Promotions of Foods and Beverages Sold at Food Store Checkouts. Research Brief No. 130. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. June 2023. doi: 10.25417/uic.24800097
Leider J, Bailey L, Powell LM. Quantity Discounts for Regular Soda Fountain Drink Offerings in Fast-Food Restaurants in Two U.S. States. Research Brief No. 129. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. October 2022.
Leider J, Pipito AA, Powell LM. Default Beverage Offerings with Kids’ Meals across Ordering Platforms and Associated Upcharges in Fast-Food Restaurants in Illinois and Wisconsin. Research Brief No. 128. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2022.
Powell LM, Leider J, Pipito AA, Marinello S, Szkorla A, Moran A. Development and Reliability Testing of a Tool to Assess Default Beverage Offerings with Kids’ Meals in Fast-food Restaurants. Research Brief No. 127. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. July 2022.
Pipito AA, Beal VG, Leider J, Powell LM. No Impact of the Columbus, Ohio, Default Beverage Policy on Children’s Meal Beverage Offerings Four-Months Post-Implementation. Research Brief No. 126. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. May 2022.
Powell LM, Li Y, Solar SE, Pipito AA, Wolf EC, Falbe J. Development and Reliability Testing of the Store CheckOUt Tool (SCOUT) for Use in Healthy Checkout Evaluations. Research Brief No. 125. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. March 2022.