Public Health Leadership Institute for Systems Change 2025 Cohort

Applications are now closed. The current 2025 PHLISC is in progress from April - August 2025

What is PHLISC?


The Public Health Leadership Institute for Systems Change (PHLISC) guides governmental public health professionals through an intentional journey. Participants of PHLISC, also known as Fellows, will apply practical and actionable systems-thinking approaches to long-term complex public health challenges. Fellows will also participate in coaching pods to apply leadership skills to explore the root causes of complex challenges, identify creative solutions, and increase their capacity to address and influence change in their organizations and communities.

By the end of PHLISC, Fellows will have the tools and skills to Think Big and Act Daily.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Apply personal and change leadership skills to guide a process of systems change
  2. Describe the process of systems change
  3. Apply coaching as a method to help build systems change leadership
  4. Create an action plan for collaborative action to achieve systems change

Who should apply?

A maximum of 50 Fellows will be selected for the 2025 Cohort.

Applicants who are interested in PHLISC should:

  • Be employed at a state or local public health department in Illinois, working:
    1. As a Mid-level to senior manager AND/OR
    2. As staff that facilitates planning processes, policies, and/or resources which could include:
      • Emergency Preparedness Plan/CHIP/Workforce Development Plan/Accreditation or similar strategic initiatives and activities or
      • Program implementation or policy development and implementation
  • Have a baseline understanding of core public health concepts through educational pathways
  • Have at least two years of experience in public health practice
  • Have supervisor approval and support for participation in the full program

What is the time commitment for me to participate in PHLISC?

PHLISC will take place over six months, from approximately April-August 2025. Readings and resources will be available 3-4 weeks prior to the first session.

Program dates:

  • Thursday, April 10, 2025 (in-person)
  • Thursday, May 8, 2025 (virtual)
  • Thursday, June 5, 2025 (virtual)
  • Thursday, July 10, 2025 (virtual)
  • Thursday, August 7, 2025 (virtual)

Fellows should plan for the following commitments:

  • One, six hour in-person launch session in Springfield IL, plus travel
  • Attendance at 4 live virtual sessions at 3 hours per session
  • approximately 2 hours of self-paced online learning in between each of 5 sessions
  • attendance at 5 coaching pods, estimated at 2 hours each, after each of 5 sessions

An Opportunity to Address Agency and Community Challenges 

Applicants should apply with one or two additional individuals from their agency who have a common challenge to address throughout the learning opportunity. These challenges can be selected from the agency’s community health improvement plan (CHIP/IPLAN), strategic plan, Preparedness Plan, and/or a systems change initiative. If accepted, Fellows will be matched with 2-4 other Fellows to participate in Coaching Pod activities.

PHLISC Components

Live in-person and virtual workshops

  • Launch session will be held in-person in Springfield, Illinois
  • Four additional sessions will be held virtually

Online resource portal and discussion board

  • Platform for required Fellow engagement between sessions
  • Hosts pre and post session content and resources for PHLISC, including required readings, videos, and activities

Coaching Pods

  • Peer connection and problem-solving
  • Personal leadership development
  • Opportunity to practice coaching skills

Evaluation Activities

  • Participation in activities to evaluate PHLISC

How much does PHLISC Cost?

Participating in the training and coaching opportunity for the 2025 Cohort is free. Costs related to travel and accommodations for the in-person launch session in Springfield, Illinois, will not be covered and will be the Fellow's responsibility. Fellow time will also not be reimbursed.

Why Participate?

Benefit to Fellows

  • PHILSC allows current and emerging leaders to learn from and share with peers while expanding their abilities to advance organizational, community, and systems change to improve population health outcomes.
  • Through this training, Fellows will network with public health professionals in Illinois and strengthen their public health core competencies and skills.
  • Fellows will leave with a developed action plan to their identified challenge.
  • Specific public health competencies addressed through PHLISC include:
    1. Communication Skills: Facilitates communication
      among individuals, groups, and organizations
    2. Public Health Science Skills: Describes systems, policies, and events impacting public health
    3. Leadership & Systems Thinking Skills: Creates opportunities to achieve cross-sector alignment; Implements a vision for a healthy community; Addresses facilitators and barriers impacting delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services
    4. Strategic Skills from Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS)
    5. A Certificate of Completion will be available to those who complete at least 80% of the required activities. After the program, Fellows will have opportunities to stay connected with alumni and subject matter experts.

Benefit to supervisors/agencies

PHLISC is an opportunity to provide your staff with professional development and creative growth experiences, encouraging them to apply new insights to their current and future work at the agency. Fellows may also make progress on required community and/or organizational priorities (e.g., Emergency Preparedness Plan/CHIP/ Workforce Development Plan/Accreditation).