Publications by Type
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Leading, Learning, and Engaging Communities for Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change
Cook County Department of Public Health, MidAmerica Center for Public Health Practice, and Illinois Prevention Research Center. Policy, systems, and environmental change. Policy, systems, and environmental change. Action Learning Brief No. 001. University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2018. |
Welter C, Jarpe-Ratner E, Massuda Barnett G, Chebli P, Kite H, Geraci M, Becker A, and Hatchett L. Six phases for building sustainable impact through policy, systems, and environmental change. Action Learning Brief No. 002. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. April 2019. |
Welter C, Jarpe-Ratner E, Massuda Barnett G, Chebli P, Kite H, Geraci M, Becker A, and Hatchett L. Key drivers of success: What catalyzes lasting change in your organization or community? Action Learning Brief No. 003. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. April 2019. |
Welter C, Jarpe-Ratner E, Massuda Barnett G, Chebli P, Kite H, Geraci M, Becker A, and Hatchett L. Technical assistance types: What support is needed to catalyze policy, systems, and environmental change? Action Learning Brief No. 004. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. April 2019. |
Welter C, Jarpe-Ratner E, Massuda Barnett G, Chebli P, Kite H, Geraci M, Becker A, and Hatchett L. What are action steps and resources to help your organization apply the six phases of policy, systems, and environmental change? Action Learning Brief No. 005. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. April 2019. |
School Health and Wellness
Piekarz-Porter E., Schermbeck R.M., Chriqui J.F. School is in session: An update to the current status of school vaccination laws as COVID-19 vaccines become available to more school-aged children. P3RC Fact Sheet 103. Chicago, Illinois: Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center, School of Public Health, University of Illinois Chicago. October 2021. doi: 10.25417/uic.16783768 |
Schermbeck R.M., Piekarz-Porter E., Chriqui J.F. Addressing the Technology Divide in Education: A Survey of State Laws Nationwide. P3RC Fact Sheet 102. Chicago, Illinois: Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center, School of Public Health, University of Illinois Chicago. September 2021. doi: 10.25417/uic.16783819 |
Piekarz-Porter E, Schermbeck RM, Chriqui JF. Preparing for a return to the classroom: The current status of school vaccination laws as states anticipate a COVID-19 vaccine rollout for children. Fact Sheet 101. Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center, School of Public Health, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. January 2021. doi:10.25417/uic.13653149 |
Chriqui JF, Piekarz-Porter E. To what extent do state laws align with the federal school meal standards? Fact Sheet No. 100. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. December 2020. |
Built Environment/Land Use for Active Living Physical Activity
Sansone C, Sadowski J, Chriqui JF. Public Health Engagement in Complete Streets Initiatives: Examples and Lessons Learned. Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL. April 2019. |
Thrun, E, Leider, J, Sanghera, A, Chriqui, J.F. Zoning Code Reforms are Associated with Walking Behaviors in a Nationwide Evaluation—A Factsheet. Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL. January 2018. |
Chriqui, J.F., Thrun, E, Sanghera, A. Components of Local Land Development and Related Zoning Policies Associated with Increased Walking: A Primer for Public Health Practitioners. Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL. January 2018. |
Thrun, E, Leider, J, Sanghera, A, Chriqui, J.F. Zoning Elements are Associated with Walking Behaviors in a Nationwide Evaluation—A Factsheet. Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL. January 2018. |
Leading, Learning, and Engaging Communities for Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change
Herrera YN, Uskali AL, Welter CR, Pinsker EC, Hatchett LA, Hair XL, Miranda EM, Massuda Barnett GL. Suburban Cook County COVID-19 Community Supports Program. Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. October 2022. doi: 10.25417/uic.21395568 |
Uskali AL, Herrera YN, Call LL, Welter CR, Ezike N, Epstein J, Lasky S, Tokars A, and Agbodo N. 2021 Healthy Illinois State Health Improvement Plan Update: Implementation Plan. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2021. |
Uskali AL, Herrera YN, Call LL, Welter CR, Ezike N, Epstein J, Lasky S, Tokars A, and Agbodo N. Summary of Findings from the Healthy Illinois 2021 Plan Update: An Addendum to the Illinois 2016-2021 State Health Assessment and State Health Improvement Plan. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. August, 2021. |
Early Childhood Development
Rothstein J., Shah R. Esperanza Families React Positively to Early Child Development Intervention "Sit Down & Play". Research Brief No.134. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. July 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.25828456 |
Emergency Management
Blaser M., Cailas M.D., Canar J., Cooper B., Geraci P., Osiecki K., Sambanis A. Analyzing COVID-19 Mortality Within the Chicagoland Area: Data Limitations and Solutions. Research Brief No. 117. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. July 2020. |
Sambanis A., Kim S., Osiecki K., Cailas MD. A New Approach to the Social Vulnerability Indices: Decision Tree-based Vulnerability Classification Model. Research Brief No. 114. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2019. |
Emergency Medicine
Prendergast H, Chestek D, Bains S, Brown S, Khosla S, Pobee R, Mannan N, Tyo C, Odoms-Young A, Stratton R, Watson K. Understanding the Mortality and Morbidity among Cancer Patients Admitted Through the Emergency Department of a Large Academic Urban Hospital. Research Brief No. 118. Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. June 2021. doi: 10.25417/uic.14669133 |
Levy, J, McCoy, H, Pandey, DK. Analysis of Patient Participation in the PAUSE to Learn Your Epilepsy Self-Management Education Study. Research Brief No. 113. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. September, 2019. |
Global Health
Peters K, Smith S, Diaw M, Ndiaye Y Dioukhane E, Patil C, Linn A, Komarek T, Aspros N, Collins Z, Dejesus E, Schuh T, Delgado A, Dykens J. Community Academic Perspectives in Partnership Development: Lessons from Rural Senegal. Research Brief No. 107. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2018. |
Vadiveloo MK, Elenio E, Leider J, Oddo VM, Pipito AA, Powell LM, Tovar A. Design of the What’s On Your Plate SNAP Study. Research Brief No. 139. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.27380922. |
Vandenbroeck A, Schermbeck RM, Leider J, Powell LM. Television Advertising and Store Availability of Toddler Milks. Research Brief No. 138. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.27144720. |
Leider J, Li M, Pipito AA, Powell LM. No Impact on Potential Kids’ Meal Substitutes in Fast-Food Restaurants One Year Following an Illinois Healthy Beverage Default Policy. Research Brief No. 133. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. April 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.25563591 |
Asada Y, DiStefano A, Brown A, Howard B, Raczynski E. COVID-19 Era WIC Waivers: Perspectives from WIC Directors. Research Brief No. 132. Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. March 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.25664658 |
Leider J, Pipito AA, Sandoval Camacho L, Gupta R, Knapp M, Fuster M, Powell LM. Default Beverage Offerings with Kids' Meals across Online Ordering Platforms for Fast-Food and Full-Service Restaurants in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Research Brief No. 131. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2023. doi: 10.25417/uic.24477169 |
Marinello S, Falbe J, Solar SE, Powell LM. Price Promotions of Foods and Beverages Sold at Food Store Checkouts. Research Brief No. 130. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. June 2023. doi: 10.25417/uic.24800097 |
Leider J, Bailey L, Powell LM. Quantity Discounts for Regular Soda Fountain Drink Offerings in Fast-Food Restaurants in Two U.S. States. Research Brief No. 129. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. October 2022. |
Leider J, Pipito AA, Powell LM. Default Beverage Offerings with Kids’ Meals across Ordering Platforms and Associated Upcharges in Fast-Food Restaurants in Illinois and Wisconsin. Research Brief No. 128. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2022. |
Powell LM, Leider J, Pipito AA, Marinello S, Szkorla A, Moran A. Development and Reliability Testing of a Tool to Assess Default Beverage Offerings with Kids’ Meals in Fast-food Restaurants. Research Brief No. 127. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. July 2022. |
Pipito AA, Beal VG, Leider J, Powell LM. No Impact of the Columbus, Ohio, Default Beverage Policy on Children’s Meal Beverage Offerings Four-Months Post-Implementation. Research Brief No. 126. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. May 2022. |
Powell LM, Li Y, Solar SE, Pipito AA, Wolf EC, Falbe J. Development and Reliability Testing of the Store CheckOUt Tool (SCOUT) for Use in Healthy Checkout Evaluations. Research Brief No. 125. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. March 2022. |
Powell LM, Leider J. An Overview of the Impact of the Seattle, Washington, Sweetened Beverage Tax on Prices, Demand, Substitution, and Sugar Sold. Research Brief No. 124. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2021. |
Leider J, Oddo VM, Powell LM. A Review of the Effects of U.S. Local Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes on Substitution to Untaxed Beverages and Food Items. Research Brief No. 123. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2021. |
Marinello S, Powell LM. A Review of the Labor Market Impacts of Local Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes in the United States. Research Brief No. 122. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2021. |
Powell LM, Marinello S, Leider J, Andreyeva T. A Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of Local U.S. Sugar-sweetened Beverage Taxes on Demand. Research Brief No. 121. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. August 2021. |
Powell LM, Marinello S, Leider J. A Review and Meta-analysis of Tax Pass-through of Local Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes in the United States. Research Brief No. 120. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. July 2021. |
Chriqui JF, Pipito AA, Asada Y, Powell LM. Lessons Learned from the Adoption and Implementation of Sweetened Beverage Taxes in the United States: A Narrative Review. Research Brief No. 119. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. June 2021. |
Chriqui JF, Asada Y, Pipito A, Powell LM. Revenue generated from the Oakland sugar-sweetened beverage tax, July 2017 – December 2019. Research Brief No. 116. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. March 2020. |
El-Sayed OM, Leider J, Schermbeck RM, Powell LM. Distribution of volume sold of calorically and noncalorically sweetened beverages: evidence from two U.S. cities. Research Brief No. 115. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. February 2020. |
Li Y, Leider J, Pipito AA, Pugach O, Powell LM. Development and Reliability Testing of a Fast-Food Restaurant Observation Form for Use in Beverage Tax Evaluations. Research Brief No. 112. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. March 2019. |
Heinert SW, Isgor Z, Powell LM. Availability of Healthier Food Options in Fast Food Restaurants by Community Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Composition in a National Sample. Research Brief No. 110. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL. December 2018. |
Chriqui JF, Pipito AA, Powell LM. Revenue Generated from the Cook County, Illinois, Sweetened Beverage Tax in Fiscal Year 2017. Research Brief No. 109. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. December 2018. |
Li Y, Leider J, Pipito AA, Pugach O, Zenk SN, Powell LM. Development and Reliability Testing of a Food Store Observation Form for Use in Beverage Tax Evaluations. Research Brief No. 108. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. December 2018. |
Powell LM, Pipito AA, Isgor Z, Parks CA, Zenk SN. Intake of Sugar-sweetened Beverages among Adults in Seattle, WA, 2017. Research Brief No. 106. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. November 2018. |
Leider J, Pipito AA, Powell LM.The Impact of the Cook County, Illinois, Sweetened Beverage Tax on Prices, 2017. Research Brief No. 105. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2018. |
Pipito AA, Powell LM, Isgor Z, Smith TM, Zenk SN. Added-sugar Intake from Sugar-sweetened Beverages among Adults in St. Louis City and County, MO, 2017. Research Brief No. 104. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. August 2018. |
Pipito AA, Powell LM, Isgor Z, Smith TM, Zenk SN. Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption among Adults in St. Louis City and County, MO, 2017. Research Brief No. 103. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. August 2018. |
Powell LM, Singleton CR, Li Y, Duran AC, Zenk SN. Proposed Changes to SNAP-Authorized Retailer Requirements and the Availability of Staple Foods in Small Stores Located in Low-Income Chicago Communities. Research Brief No. 102. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. April 2018. |
Powell LM, Isgor Z, Pipito AA, Pugach O, Yaroch AL, Zenk SN. Added-sugar Intake from Sugar-sweetened Beverages among Adults in Cook County, Illinois, 2017. Research Brief No. 101. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. December 2017. |
Powell LM, Isgor Z, Pipito AA, Pugach O, Yaroch AL, Zenk SN. Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption among Adults, Cook County IL, 2017. Research Brief No. 100. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago; Chicago, IL. December 2017. |
Slater SJ, Ragonese-Barnes MC, Herrera YN. Capacity Building in Chicago Parks: Evaluation of Needs Assessment Interviews. Research Brief No. 111. Illinois Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL. January 2019. |
Sexual Health
Benomar N, Little D, Dominguez Magdaleno J, Belcher K, Lui J, Marshall B, Jarpe-Ratner E. Creating Safe and Supportive Environments in Chicago Public Schools Through Genders and Sexualities Alliances. Brief No. 136. Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. September 2024. doi:10.25417/uic.26035327 |
Belcher K, Liu J, Bloedel A, Marshall B, DiPaolo M, Jarpe-Ratner E. Expanding Districtwide Comprehensive Sexual Education to Pre-Kindergarten in the Chicago Public School District. Brief No. 135. Policy, Practice, and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. August 2024. doi:10.25417/uic.26035324 |
Workplace Health and Policy
Piekarz-Porter E, Stiehl E, Mincu N, Oddo VM, Powers ET, Kim SJ. A closer look at novel U.S. employment policies at the county and municipal level. Brief No. 137. Policy, Practice and Prevention Research Center, University of Illinois Chicago. Chicago, IL. October 2024. doi: 10.25417/uic.26608288 |
Physical Activity, Built Environment and Land Use
Marquez DX, Tellez M, Ocampo-Mota J, Jaldin, MA, Hughes S, Ajilore O, Chen Jinsong C, Walton S, Muramatsu N. C.E.R.E.B.R.O.: A home-based physical activity study for older Latino adults. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 2025 January 27;44:1-7. doi:10.1016/j.conctc.2025.101436. |
Slater SJ, Leider J, Chriqui JF. Examining the implementation of activity-friendly zoning and land use policies through the use of Google Street View measures: A pilot study. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022 Jan-Feb 01;28(1):E127-E136. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001176. |
Chriqui JF, Nicholson LM, Thrun E, Leider J, Slater SJ. More active living–oriented county and municipal zoning is associated with increased adult leisure time physical activity—United States, 2011. Environ Behav. 2016 Jan;48(1):111-130. doi: 10.1177/0013916515611175. |
Chriqui JF, Leider J, Thrun E, Nicholson LM, Slater S. Communities on the move: Pedestrian-oriented zoning as a facilitator of adult active travel to work in the United States. Front Public Health. 2016 Apr 18;4:71. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00071. |
Pandey DK, Dasgupta R, Levy J, Wang H, Serafini A, Habibi M, Song W, Shafer PO, Loeb JA. Enhancing epilepsy self-management and quality of life for adults with epilepsy with varying social and educational backgrounds using PAUSE to Learn Your Epilepsy Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Oct;111:107228. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107228. Epub 2020 Jun 27. |
Pandey DK, Levy J, Serafini A, Habibi M, Song W, Shafer PO, Loeb JA. Self-management skills and behaviors, self-efficacy, and quality of life in people with epilepsy from underserved populations. Epilepsy Behav. 2019 Sep;98(Pt A):258-265. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.07.042. Epub 2019 Aug 6. |
Sajatovic M, Jobst BC, Shegog R, Bamps YA, Begley CE, Fraser RT, Johnson EK, Pandey DK, Quarells RC, Scal P, Spruill TM, Thompson NJ, Kobau R. The Managing Epilepsy Well Network: Advancing epilepsy self-management. Am J Prev Med. 2017 Mar;52(3 Suppl 3):S241-S245. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2016.07.026. |
Helmers SL, Kobau R, Sajatovic M, Jobst BC, Privitera M, Devinsky O, Labiner D, Escoffery C, Begley CE, Shegog R, Pandey D, Fraser RT, Johnson EK, Thompson NJ, Horvath KJ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Managing Epilepsy Well Network. Self-management in epilepsy: Why and how you should incorporate self-management in your practice. Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Mar;68:220-224. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2016.11.015. Epub 2017 Feb 12. |
Global Health
Dykens JA, Linn AM, Irwin T, Peters KE, Pyra M, Traoré F, Touré Diarra M, Hasnain M, Wallner K, Linn P, Ndiaye Y. Implementing visual cervical cancer screening in Senegal: a cross-sectional study of risk factors and prevalence highlighting service utilization barriers. Int J Womens Health. 2017 Jan 27;9:59-67. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S115454. |
Demment MM, Peters K, Dykens JA, Dozier A, Nawaz H, McIntosh S, Smith JS, Sy A, Irwin T, Fogg TT, Khaliq M, Blumenfeld R, Massoudi M, De Ver Dye T. Developing the evidence base to inform best practice: a scoping study of breast and cervical cancer reviews in low- and middle-income countries. PLoS One. 2015 Sep 1;10(9):e0134618. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134618. |
Leading, Learning, and Engaging Communities for Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change
Welter C, Davis S, Elnicki J, Kulik PKG, Lloyd LM, Tenney M, Todd Barrett K, Rose B, Walter C. Public Health Learning Agenda for Systems Change Toolkit: National Pilot Evaluation Results. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022 Oct 9. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001654. Epub ahead of print. |
Welter CR, Herrera Y, Uskali AL, Seweryn S, Call L, Lasky S, Agbodo N, Ezike NO. Assessing Local Public Health Agency Alignment With Public Health 3.0: A Content Analysis of Illinois Community Health Improvement Plans. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2021 Nov 3. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001442. 2022 May-June. |
Oddo VM, Leider J, Tovar A, Powell LM, Elenio E, Vadiveloo MK. Food Insecurity and Risk of Nutrition Insecurity Among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participants in Rhode Island and Connecticut, USA. Prev Med Rep. 2025 March; 51:103002. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2025.103002. |
Schermbeck RM, Leider J, Powell LM. The Presence of Added Sugars and Other Sweeteners in Food and Beverage Products Advertised on Television in the United States, 2022. Nutrients. 2024 November 21; 16(23): 3981. |
Powell LM, Leider J, Schermbeck RM, Vandenbroeck A, Harris J. Trends in Children’s Exposure to Food and Beverage Advertising on Television. JAMA Network Open. 2024 August; 7(8):e2429671. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.29671. |
Falbe J, Marinello S, Wolf, EC, Solar S, Powell, LM. Food Environment After Implementation of a Healthy Checkout Policy. JAMA Network Open.2024 August; 7(8): e2421731-e2421731. |
Powell LM, Vandenbroeck A, Leider J, Pipito AA, Moran A. Evaluation of Fast-Food Restaurant Kids’ Meal Beverage Offerings 1 Year After a State-Level Healthy Beverage Default Policy. AJPM Focus. 2024 June; 3(3):100226. doi: 10.1016/j.focus.2024.100226. |
Marinello S, Powell LM, Falbe J. Neighborhood Sociodemographic Characteristics and Healthfulness of Store Checkouts in Northern California. Prev Med Rep. 2023 October;35:102379. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102379. |
Falbe J, Marinello S, Wolf EC, Solar SE, Schermbeck RM, Pipito AA, and Powell LM. Food and beverage environments at store checkouts in California: Mostly unhealthy products. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2023, 7(6):100075. doi: 10.1016/j.cdnut.2023.100075. |
Powell LM, Leider J, Pipito AA, Moran A. Evaluation of Short-Term Changes in Fast-Food Restaurant Online Kids’ Meal Beverage Offerings Following a State-Level Healthy Beverage Default Policy. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2023 April;7(4). doi: 10.1016/j.cdnut.2023.100045. |
Powell LM & Leider J. Impact of the Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax on substitution to alcoholic beverages. PLoS One. 2022 Jan 18;17(1):e0262578. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262578. eCollection 2022. |
Asada, Y., Pipito, A.A., Taher, S., Chriqui, J.F., & Powell, L.M. Holding the city's feet to the fire: Lessons learned from Oakland's implementation of measure HH the sugar-sweetened beverage tax. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2022 Jan-Feb 01;28(1):E137-E145. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001296. |
Falbe, J., White, J.S., Sigala, D.M., Grummon, A.H., Solar, S.E., Powell, L.M. The Potential for Healthy Checkout Policies to Advance Nutrition Equity. Nutrients. 2021, 13 (11):4181. |
Leider J. & Powell LM. Longer-Term Impacts of the Oakland, California, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax on Prices and Volume Sold at Two-Years Post-Tax. Social Science & Medicine. 2021 Nov 5;114537. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114537. |
Powell, L.M., Leider, J. and Oddo, V.M., 2021. Evaluation of changes in grams of sugar sold after the implementation of the Seattle sweetened beverage tax. JAMA Network Open. 2021 Nov 1;4(11):e2132271. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.32271. |
Powell, L.M. and Leider, J. Impact of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax two-year post-tax implementation in Seattle, Washington, United States. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2021 Dec;42(4):574-588. doi: 10.1057/s41271-021-00308-8. Epub 2021 Nov 3. |
Oddo V, Leider J, Powell LM. The impact of Seattle's sugar-sweetened beverage tax on substitution to sweets and salty snacks. Journal of Nutrition. 2021 Oct 1;151(10):3232-3239. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxab194. |
Leger PT & Powell LM. The impact of the Oakland SSB tax on prices and volume sold: A study of intended and unintended consequences. Health Economics. 2021 Aug;30(8):1745-1771. doi: 10.1002/hec.4267. Epub 2021 Apr 30. |
Marinello, S., Leider, J., Powell, L.M. Employment impacts of the San Francisco sugar-sweetened beverage tax 2 years after implementation. PLOS One. 2021 Jun 2;16(6):e0252094. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252094. |
Zenk, S.N., Li, Y., Leider, J., Pipito, A., Powell, L. No Long-Term Store Marketing Changes Following Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Implementation: Oakland, CA. Journal of Health and Place. 2021 Mar;68:102512. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2021.102512. |
Asada, Y., Pipito, AA., Chriqui, JF., Taher, S., Powell, LM. Oakland's sugar-sweetened beverage tax: honoring the "spirit" of the ordinance toward equitable implementation. Health Equity. 2021 Feb 2;5(1):35-41. doi: 10.1089/heq.2020.0079. |
Asada Y, Taher S, Pipito A, Chriqui JF. Media Coverage and Framing of Oakland's Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax, 2016-2019. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2021 Jun;35(5):698-702. doi: 10.1177/0890117120986104. Epub 2021 Jan 13. |
Leider, J., Li, Y., & Powell, L.M. Pass-Through of the Oakland, California, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax in Food Stores Two Years Post-Implementation: A Difference-in-Differences Study. PLoS One. 2021 Jan 4;16(1):e0244884. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244884. eCollection 2021. |
Marinello S, Pipito AA, Leider J, Pugach O, Powell LM. Longer-Term Impacts of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes on Fast-Food Beverage Prices: Evidence from Oakland, California, Two-Years Post-Tax. Public Health Nutrition. 2021 Aug;24(11):3571-3575. doi: 10.1017/S1368980020005212. Epub 2020 Dec 22. |
Marinello S, Leider J, Pugach O, Powell LM. The impact of the Philadelphia beverage tax on employment: A synthetic control analysis. Economics & Human Biology. 2021 Jan;40:100939. doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100939. Epub 2020 Oct 29. |
Powell, LM., Leider J. Evaluation of changes in beverage prices and volume sold following the implementation and repeal of a sweetened beverage tax in Cook County, Illinois. Journal of American Medical Association Network Open. 2020 Dec 1;3(12):e2031083. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.31083. |
El-Sayed OM, Pipito AA, Leider J, Chriqui JF, Powell, LM. An assessment of food store compliance with the Cook County sweetened beverage tax. Public Health Management and Practice. Jul/Aug 2020;26(4):E20-E23. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001017. |
Chriqui, JF, Sansone, CN, Powell, LM. The sweetened beverage tax in Cook County, Illinois: Lessons from a failed effort.American Journal of Public Health. 2020 Jul;110(7):1009-1016. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305640. Epub 2020 May 21. |
Zenk, SN, Leider, J, Pugach, O, Pipito, AA, Powell, LM. Changes in beverage marketing at stores following the Oakland sugar-sweetened beverage tax. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2020 May;58(5):648-656. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2019.12.014. Epub 2020 Mar 16. |
Powell LM, Leider, J, Leger PT. The impact of a sweetened beverage tax on beverage volume sold in Cook County, Illinois, and its border area. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2020 Mar 17;172(6):390-397. doi: 10.7326/M19-2961. Epub 2020 Feb 25. |
Powell LM, Leider, J. The impact of Seattle's sweetened beverage tax on beverage prices and volume sold. Economics and Human Biology. 2020 May;37:100856. doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100856. Epub 2020 Jan 21. |
Powell LM, Leider, J, and Leger, PT. The impact of the Cook County, IL, sweetened beverage tax on beverage prices. Economics & Human Biology. Economics and Human Biology. 2020 May;37:100855. doi: 10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100855. Epub 2020 Jan 21. |
Marinello S, Pipito AA, Leider J, Pugach O, Powell LM. The impact of the Oakland sugar-sweetened beverage tax on bottled soda and fountain drink prices in fast-food restaurants.Preventive Medicine Reports. 2019 Dec 23;17:101034. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2019.101034. eCollection 2020 Mar. |
Powell LM, Singleton CR, Li Y, Steeves EA, Castro IA, Grigsby-Toussaint D, Haynes-Maslow L, Houghtaling B, Laska MN, Leone LA, Siguin R, and Uslan D. Changes to SNAP-authorized retailer stocking requirements and the supply of foods and beverages in low-income communities in seven U.S. states. Transl. Behav. Med. 2019 Oct 1;9(5):857-864. doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibz093. |
Leider J, Powell LM. Sugar-sweetened beverage prices: Variations by beverage, food store, and neighborhood characteristics, 2017. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2019 Apr 29;15:100883. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2019.100883. eCollection 2019 Sep. |
Singleton CR, Li Y, Odoms-Young A, Zenk SN, Powell LM. Change in food and beverage availability and marketing following the introduction of a Healthy Food Financing Initiative–supported supermarket. Am J Health Promot. 2019 May;33(4):525-533. doi: 10.1177/0890117118801744. Epub 2018 Oct 3. |
Singleton CR, Li Y, Duran AC, Zenk SN, Odoms-Young A, Powell LM. Food and beverage availability in small food stores located in healthy food financing initiative eligible communities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 Oct 18;14(10):1242. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14101242. |
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School Health and Wellness
Jarpe-Ratner E, Little D, Benomar N, Domingue Magdaleno J, Belcher K, Liu J, Marshall B. Initiating and sustaining GSAs across the district as part of a vision for equity: a case study in Chicago Public Schools. Journal of School and Health. 2024 Dec; 94(12): 1153-1163. doi: 10.1111/josh.13540 |
Jarpe-Ratner E, Offstein M, William A, Odoms-Young A, Chriqui JF. Engaging Families in Supporting the Whole Child: Chicago West Side Parents’ Perceptions of Child Health. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2024 Jan; 33, 968–981. doi: 10.1007/s10826-024-02786-2 |
Jarpe-Ratner E, Cleary M, Chriqui JF. The Role of Wellness Teams in Promoting Health and Wellness Implementation Strategies in Elementary Schools in Chicago. J Sch Health. 2023 May;93(5):402-410. doi: 10.1111/josh.13309. |
Chriqui JF, Leider J, Temkin D, Piekarz-Porter E, Schermbeck RM, Stuart-Cassel V. State laws matter when it comes to district policymaking relative to the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Framework. J Sch Health. 2020 Dec;90(12):907-917. doi: 10.1111/josh.12959. |
Piekarz-Porter E, Leider J, Turner L, Chriqui JF. District wellness policy nutrition standards are associated with healthier district food procurement practices in the United States. Nutrients. 2020 Nov 7;12(11):3417. doi: 10.3390/nu12113417. |
Asada Y, Mitric S, Chriqui JF. Addressing equity in rural schools: Opportunities and challenges for school meal standards implementation. J Sch Health. 2020 Oct;90(10):779-786. doi: 10.1111/josh.12943. Epub 2020 Aug 20. |
Cohen JFW, Schwartz MB, Leider J, Turner L, Chriqui JF. Meal quality of entrees that can be sold as competitive foods in schools and potential impact of the proposed USDA rollbacks. Nutrients. 2020 Sep 30;12(10):3003. doi: 10.3390/nu12103003. |
Sexual Health
Jarpe-Ratner E, Altman L, Schnable A, Reid B, Marshall B, Matias K, Ramirez- Mercado K, Fagen MC, Masinter L. Formative research and development of a referral toolkit for sexual health services linkages within chicago public high schools. Evaluation and Program Planning. 2025 June; 110: 102540. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2025.102540. |
Belcher K, Fishman E, Ramirez-Mercado K, Marshall B, DiPaolo M, Jarpe-Ratner E. Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing a Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Policy in Chicago Public SchoolsJ Sch Health. 2024 Jul 4. doi: 10.1111/josh.13489. |
Jarpe-Ratner E, Marshall B, Choudry M, Wishart M, Reid B, Perez E, Fagen M. Strategies to Support LGBTQ+ Students in High Schools: What Did We Learn in Chicago Public Schools? Health Promot Pract. 2021 Apr 23:15248399211006492. doi: 10.1177/15248399211006492. 2022 June 20; 2(21). |
Jarpe-Ratner E, Marshall B. Implementation and Adaptation Practices of 9th Grade Teachers Implementing the Chicago Public Schools’ Sexual Health Education Curriculum. American Journal of Sexuality Education. 2021 Jul 3;16(3):351-74. doi: 10.1080/15546128.2021.1921644. |
Jarpe-Ratner E, Marshall B. Viewing Sexual Health Education through the Lens of Critical Pedagogy: A Case Study in Chicago Public Schools. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Feb 4;18(4):1443. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18041443. |
Jarpe-Ratner E. How can we make LGBTQ+-inclusive sex education programmes truly inclusive? A case study of Chicago Public Schools’ policy and curriculum. Sex Education. 2020 May 3;20(3):283-99. doi: |
Workplace Health
Muramatsu N, Sokas RK, Chakraborty A, Zanoni JP, Lipscomb J. Slips, trips, and falls among home care aides: a mixed-methods study. J Occup Environ Med. 2018 Sep;60(9):796-803. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001355. |
Stiehl E, Forst L. Safety climate among nontraditional workers in construction: Arguing for a focus on construed external safety image. New Solut. 2018 May;28(1):33-54. doi: 10.1177/1048291117752461. Epub 2018 Jan 24. |
Pinsker EA, Hennrikus DJ, Hannan PJ, Lando HA, Brosseau LM. Smoking patterns, quit behaviors, and smoking environment of workers in small manufacturing companies. Am J Ind Med. 2015 Sep;58(9):996-1007. doi: 10.1002/ajim.22496. Epub 2015 Jul 14. |
Forst L, Friedman L, Chin B, Madigan D. Spatial clustering of occupational injuries in communities. Am J Public Health. 2015 Jul;105 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):S526-33. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302595. Epub 2015 Apr 23. |
Muramatsu N, Madrigal J, Berbaum ML, Henderson VA, Jurivich DA, Zanoni J, Marquez DX, Cruz Madrid K. Co-learning with home care aides and their clients: collaboratively increasing individual and organizational capacities. Gerontol Geriatr Educ. 2015;36(3):261-77. doi: 10.1080/02701960.2015.1015121. Epub 2015 Feb 11. |
Sexual Health
Castle, A (Host). Exploring strategies to support LGBTQ+ students in Chicago Public Schools with Dr. Elizabeth Jarpe-Ratner, Booker Marshall, and Derrick Little. The HPP Podcast, Health Promotion Practice. 2022 June 20; 2(21). |